Welcome to Vasagle Australia, in order to have a better purchasing experience for you, the following steps are our purchasing navigation:

On our homepage, you can select the product category you want in the navigation bar at the top or use keywords in the search bar to search for the related products you want.

Once you have found the item you want, please click Add to Cart.

Please click on check out.

Upon reaching this page,
Step 1 : You will need to fill in your address and other information to avoid having your order sent to the wrong address.
Step 2 : Please fill in a valid Promo code, you can check how much you have saved at the arrow position in Step 2.
Step 3: Click on Continue to ship

Please verify that the information on this page is accurate. If any details are incorrect, kindly go back to the previous step to make the necessary corrections. Once you have confirmed that all information is correct, please proceed by clicking the "Continue to Payment" button.

Upon reaching the payment page, kindly select your desired payment method, whether it be credit card or Afterpay. Kindly ensure to provide all necessary information.

Once you've double-checked that all information is accurate, please proceed by clicking the "Pay Now" button to complete your purchase. Our system will automatically send a confirmation email to the email address provided, kindly keep an eye out for it. In the event that you do not receive the confirmation email, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at support@vasagle.com.au. We will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours.